100 Arbutus Ave, Johnstown, PA

Worship: Sundays at 10L15 am

Our Church

Who We Are

Johnstown Alliance is a Christian and Missionary Alliance church that has served the Johnstown, PA region since 1909. We want to to share the Love and message of Jesus Christ through relevant Bible teaching, passionate worship, and a desire to serve our community. Our culture today is not an easy one to navigate, but as we come together, grow in God’s Word together, and serve together, we believe that we can make a difference for our community, and we hope you will want to be a part of making that difference with us!

Our Beliefs

At JAC we are determined to…

1. Be a place for GRACE. We are not perfect, and don’t expect you to be either. We want to be a place where you can learn about and experience the Grace of salvation, know the Grace of forgiveness and healing, and practice Grace with one another and towards others.

2. Be a place for GROWTH. We all start somewhere and never stop learning to connect Scripture to real life. We want to be a place where you will experience the Truth of Scripture, be free to explore your questions and doubts, as well as practice and develop discipleship.

3. A place for GOING. We desire to be a place to exercise and understand your spiritual gifts, talents, and skills, to encourage and seek out the least and the lost, and to be a part of making the Great Commission come ALIVE!

Our Values


Lost people matter to God. He wants them found.

Throughout the life of Jesus, His path constantly crossed those who were lost, hurting, outcast, and seeking. Jesus even declared that He came to “seek and save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). This was a passion of our Savior, and is for us as well: Lost people matter to God. He wants them found. (Luke 15).


Prayer is the primary work of God’s people.

We believe that nothing of lasting value can be done unless it is bathed in prayer. Prayer is that which undergirds all ministry, and is the very ‘least’ a believer can do in the work God has prepared for them. It is true when it is said: Prayer moves the hand of God. If we are to be an impact in our communities then: Prayer has to be the primary work of God’s people.


Everything we have belongs to God. We are His stewards.

This core value is intrinsic to the nature and structure of JAC. As Scripture encourages us to remember, it’s not the amount of money we have or how much we give—it’s recognizing that everything we have comes from God (Luke 21:1–4). We teach and practice the blessing and effectiveness of the faith principle of giving. The issue is not how much to give but how much to keep.


Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true success.

Matthew 28:19: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”—The Great Commission! But the next verse is equally important: “and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true success.


Completing the Great Commission will require the mobilization of every fully devoted disciple.

Our mission is also to GO and make Jesus known to all nations. Completing the Great Commission will require the mobilization of every fully devoted disciple. The first priority of every minister, congregation, and believer is to work for the evangelization of the world. Healthy churches producing healthy disciples who are devoted to reaching lost people will hasten the completion of the Great Commission and the return of Jesus Christ.


Without the Holy Spirit’s empowerment, we can accomplish nothing.

The Apostle Paul said, “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power” (1 Corinthians 2:4–5). Without the Holy Spirit’s empowerment, we can accomplish nothing.


Achieving God’s purposes means taking faith-filled risks.

For more than a century, JAC has braved many trials, triumphs, failures, and unforeseen circumstances. Through the years, we have experienced this core value. This always involves change. Because of the selfless dedication of those who have gone before us, we have a great opportunity to know and make known Jesus.

I’m New

Johnstown Alliance is a church that loves to connect scripture and real life as we seek to impact the Johnstown region with the hope of the gospel.

JAC is part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, and focused on Bible teaching, mission readiness, disciple-making, and community engagement. We are praying and seeking to make a difference for Christ in our community.

What to Expect

Having struggled through the past few years, we are now stable, and looking to grow with YOUR help. While we don’t yet have an abundance of ministries, as God brings people, we firmly believe that they will utilize their gifts, skills, and talents to build and launch something NEW and useful for them and their friends. When you attend a worship service with us for the first time, you can expect…

A casual and welcoming atmosphere There is no dress code, so you should wear what is normal and comfortable for you. You won’t be judged if you’re overdressed or under-dressed. When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by one of our friendly volunteers, and you can stop by the Connect Area in the lobby to grab some coffee and learn more about Johnstown Alliance.

Spirit-led worship Our worship leaders seek to create an atmosphere in which people can be led by the Holy Spirit to encounter the greatness of God. Through passionate and blended music, corporate and personal prayer, and reading and reflecting on Scripture, our worship teams invite everyone into God’s presence.

Gospel-centered teaching We are committed every week to present relatable and relevant biblical messages intended to help us develop Disciple-makers at every level of maturity. We desire that each and every person engage the Scripture and be able to apply it to whatever situation and circumstance they find themselves.

Focus on families Johnstown Alliance offers Children’s Ministries that provide a fun, safe place to grow in a relationship with Jesus.

At this time we offer ministries for elementary school during worship services, and offer Connect Groups on Sundays at 6:00 PM.

Children’s Ministries

Raising up our children in the way they should go is the greatest thing we could ever do to leave a legacy for the next generation. At Johnstown Alliance we put a lot of focus on ministry for the entire family.

Our Elementary environments offer our youngest kids a clean, safe and loving place to sing, play and learn about God. We want kids to know that:

  • God made me.
  • God loves me.
  • Jesus wants to be my friend forever.

Children’s Ministries take place every weekend during the adult service.

All of our children’s workers have state safety clearances. Our goal is to partner with your family as we hear, pray, talk and live out our faith together.


Sundays at 10:15am during our adult worship service


Krazy Kidz Room

100 Arbutus Ave

Johnstown, PA 15904

Ring Around a Rosie Game Illustration

Get Involved

At Johnstown Alliance, we believe strongly that one of the best ways to connect with one another, grow in your faith, and serve together in community is to join a study group. It’s in these smaller environments where life-change happens best. This is one of the best ways we connect Scripture and your real life situation.

Our Discover group meets Sunday mornings at 9 am. We study Scripture together to discover what God has to tell us and to discuss how that relates to everyday life.

Our Connect group meets Sunday evenings at 6 pm. This is where you get the best opportunity to ask the tough questions, to grow deep in your understanding of God’s Word, His Plan, and your purpose.

You can join a group at any time throughout the year! We are open to holding group meetings on different days and in different locations all across the city, including homes, and coffee shops. You can contact us or ask in person about the groups that we have available.

Two People Having Conversation

Contact Info

Johnstown Alliance Church

100 Arbutus Ave

Johnstown, PA 15904



Service times:

Discover group - Sunday @ 9am

Worship and Teaching - Sunday @ 10:15 (includes Krazy Kidz time)

Connect group - Sunday @ 6 pm

Prayer - Wednesday @ 7pm

Alliance Women (missions and prayer) - 3rd Wednesday @ 7 pm

Blanket the City (needlework) - 2nd Saturday @ 10 am

You Need ​alpha

Have you ever wondered...

  • Does anyone ​really care about ​me?
  • Is there more to ​life than this?
  • How can I make ​the most of the ​rest of my life?

Question Marks with business woman

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Wednesday Evenings


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Sept. 18 - Nov. 20 @ 6 pm

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100 Arbutus Ave.

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